This year marks the 30th anniversary of Double Dragon, so we've doubled our Double Dragon! The original arcade version of Double Dragon is here as our new Raiders of the Lost Arcade feature! Prefer the vastly different NES version? Don't worry, it's fully playable in our PlayChoice-10 cabinet! In Double Dragon, twin brothers Billy and Jimmy Lee (also known as Hammer and…
No Pun Intendo featuring Curtis Cook – Thursday 2/16, 9pm
Stand-Up Comics & Stand-Up Games! Every Third Thursday, No Pun Intendo brings fantastic comedians to our lounge! Plus – video game competitions between teams of audience members with fabulous prizes! Each month, we feature fantastic comics from Portland & beyond. This month’s lineup: Curtis Cook Ben Harkins Robbie Pankow Crystal Kordowski Hosted by Earthquake Hurricane's Anthony Lopez! Just $3 at…
Bonus Round All Ages Free Play – Friday 1/13, Noon-4pm
Looking for another opportunity to enjoy free play during our all ages hours? Kick off your Friday afternoon with Bonus Round All Ages Free Play! From Noon-4pm on Friday January 13, every arcade game and pinball table at Ground Kontrol will be set to free play. Over 90 games spanning decades of arcade history from the vector classic Asteroids to…
No Pun Intendo featuring Anthony Lopez – Thursday 1/19, 9pm
Stand-Up Comics & Stand-Up Games! Every Third Thursday, No Pun Intendo brings fantastic comedians to our lounge! Plus - video game competitions between teams of audience members with fabulous prizes! Each month, we feature fantastic comics from Portland & beyond. This month's lineup: Alex Rios Jacob Christopher Whitney Streed Alex Falcone Anthony Lopez Hosted by Earthquake Hurricane's Anthony Lopez! Just…